Nero's Candlesticks: Investigation

If you are not part of the Darling County police force, please do not read further. This is a private matter. Thank you for your cooperation.

Employee's Involvment Investigation needed? Contact Info (if applicable)
Nera Smith, Head of Company Large Yes N/A
Justin Williams, Head Candlemaker Possible Yes N/A
Dylan Docherty Unknown Unknown Unable to disclose

As seen before, we are still very early into the investigation. Not much is known about this company yet. We are trying to find out as much as possible,
but they have hidden their tracks. They know what they've done.

Possible Victims

Penny Clarks

14 years old
First victim
Body found burnt/melted behind Candlestick HQ

Sarah Williams

63 years old
Second victim
Body found charred and dismembered in many different places, including drain pipes, many peoples houses and behind Candlestick HQ